two people on a hill at sunset

Frequently Asked Questions

What is health and wellness coaching?

Health and wellness coaching is a personalized and collaborative approach to supporting individuals in achieving their health and well-being goals. It involves a professional coach who works with clients to identify their aspirations, develop actionable plans, and provide encouragement, support, motivation, and accountability. The aim is to enhance the client’s overall health, vitality, and sense of well-being by empowering them to make sustainable, positive choices for their physical and mental health.

What is positive lifestyle change?

Positive lifestyle change is modifying behavior to incorporate healthy habits into your life. Examples would be making positive changes with your eating habits, physical activity, coping strategies, sleep routine, and social connections.

What happens during a 1-1 health and wellness coaching sessions?

Coaching sessions can be divided into stages. Sessions last up to 45 minutes.

Discovery and Planning Stage

I’ll assist you in creating a compelling vision of your desired future self, identifying what you want to personally achieve for your own well-being. You’ll also develop a three month plan that moves you toward this vision. You’ll commit to 3 to 5 small, first-step goals that enable progress. Designing a thoughtful, inspiring vision and plan takes approximately 1-3 sessions.

Action Stage

We review progress on your goals in detail at every session. Sessions may include engaging your strengths, igniting motivation, brainstorming strategies, developing solutions, meeting challenges, and generating possibilities. We’ll also explore a topic of your choice related to your health and well-being. I’ll assist you in creating manageable action steps for the following session. Small changes grow over time. Weekly sessions set the stage for progress.

Reflection Stage

Let’s celebrate your progress! After three months of coaching sessions, I’ll facilitate a deeper review of your vision and three month plan to see if this continues to be true for you. I’ll help you craft a new three month plan and goals for the following session. A thorough review may take 1-2 sessions.

What is the coach’s role during coaching sessions?

As a coach, I will…

  • actively listen to you without judgment
  • ask questions that foster greater self-awareness and understanding
  • support you as a person and as the one with the wellness vision
  • work to create a space where you feel comfortable exploring your motivations, thoughts, and choices
  • promote realistic expectations and goals
  • help you embrace self-compassion
  • brainstorm possibilities to reveal new insights
  • invite you to put into words what you are discovering about yourself in the change process
How do I prepare for my coaching session?

Coaching sessions are about you and your goals. Before coming to sessions, it’s helpful to have an idea of what you want to address. That doesn’t mean you have to have everything figured out! It can be an observation of yourself or a thought about what might lead to greater well-being in your life. You’ll want to show up to session with a open mind to try new things and explore new perspectives. You’ll also want to be ready to communicate honestly, even if that means saying that you don’t want to talk about something.

How are coaching sessions conducted?

Coaching sessions are conducted virtually through a HIPAA compliant, online portal called Healthie.

How much do 1-1 Health Coaching Sessions cost?

Pay-As-You-Go Coaching – sessions are $75 per session. Pay-As-You-Go is a great option if you want to see if coaching is for you.

3 Months of Coaching – packages of 12 sessions can be purchased in full for $825 (a $900 value) or in three monthly installments of $275.

How long should I expect to engage in health coaching?

Everyone’s well-being journey is unique, and incorporating healthy habits in our lives all have different timelines. With that said, many clients experience significant benefits when they engage in weekly sessions for a period of at least three months.

I’m interested! Now what?

Reach out to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call, where we can assess if my coaching sessions align with your needs.

Where can I find your HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices?

You can find a copy of our NPP by clicking here.