Empower Your Journey to Wellness with Health Coaching

Welcome! I’m Emily and I’m a certified health and wellness coach.

Through health and wellness coaching, I empower people to build holistic self-care practices that enhance their mental and physical well-being and reduce stress.

Gain greater self-awareness of your needs and values while cultivating self-compassion.

Discover increased energy, balance, and joy — live a more fulfilling life and make a positive difference in harmony with your values.

Health and Wellness Coach Emily Hoak
Emily Hoak, MA, CHWC

When you feel good, you have more energy to do good.

Contact me for a free Discovery Call to see if my coaching is a good fit for you!

a warm cup of tea as to remind that one can't pour from an empty cup

Does your life balance need some attention?

You’re someone who cares deeply about those around you and strives to make the world a better place, but it’s not easy. You might be tired, busy, scattered, burned out, or drained. The truth is, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Enter health and wellness coaching.

As a health and wellness coach, I’m your partner. I support you in making lifestyle changes that boost your mental and physical well-being so you have the energy to show up for yourself and others. 

It’s time to prioritize yourself. That can feel uncomfortable. You might have put your own needs on the backburner, but this doesn’t benefit you or the people, activities, and communities you hold dear.

To effectively care for others in a sustainable way, you must care for yourself. 

Elevate your well-being!

Subscribe to my newsletter for a quick dose of wellness delivered to your inbox!


Let’s do this together.

You probably already have an idea of what you need to do help yourself, but change can be hard!  That’s why meeting with me can be so beneficial.  

I want to know what’s important to you, how you define wellness, and what healthy changes you are thinking about. 

I’ll provide structure to our coaching sessions to help you design manageable goals that can lead to healthy routines. I’ll assist you with staying accountable, recognizing and using your strengths, and improving confidence and self-awareness.

stacked rocks as a metaphor for teamwork and support